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☆foul language 下流话

Mandarin 普通话水平,国语版

☆Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time.

☆rewarding a.有(获)益的;修来做的,划得来的.

 Teaching is a very rewarding profession.执教是一种很有價值的岗位.

Exercise is a rewarding for our health.

☆by fits and starts.  adv.间歇性地,时断时续地,一阵一阵地

My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed.

☆tip n. ①提议②台费 ③提醒,方法

give sb. tips on/about sth. vt.给别人有关某件事的提议 tip (about) = advice (on)

a good piece of advice 不用说: a good advice

☆stink vi.臭 stingy

☆be patient with sb. 对...有耐心

☆thick-skinnned a.厚颜的

 Eg:If you want to be a good salesman,you must be thick-skinned.

☆Don’t be afraid to make mistake. 别害怕犯错误.

☆It depends on how you study it.那要看你如何去学习培训.

 It depend on when you do it.那要看你什么时候去做.

☆funny farm 疯人院 宣布:mental asylum

☆improve sth = make a lot of improvement in sth

☆how come(口) 无必须倒装句=why

☆talk to(with) sb. about sth. vi. talk sb. into doing vt.说动

☆When he gave a speech, we realized that he was just talking nonsense.

☆He is a problem studnet.

☆greeting 招呼语

How are you doing in ...? or: How are you getting along? 近期如何?

久违了的老友还能够说:How are you? or How have you been?

Howdy 美国南边招呼语 answer: Howdy

☆blind date 相亲约会,盲目约会

☆I am afraid (that省去) it is going to rain, so we can't go on a picnic. 我觉得...(弱语调)

☆What's the problem (with)?

= What's wrong?

= What's the matter (with)?

☆goof around 浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!,混時间

☆Aha, that's it. = Aha, I get it. = I understand.

☆kidding = joking



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